Selected Families and Individuals



Sheriff of Nottingham 1662/3 Mayor of Nottingham 1682/3

"As nominee of the party favouring the surrender of the Charters to the King (Charles II), h e (William TOPLADY) was only elected Mayor after considerable disturbance and an unseemly scr amble for the
Mayor's seat in St Mary's church, the struggle leading to an action before Judge Jeffreys"
The surrenderists won the day, and Jeffreys fined and bound over the other party, allowing th e surrenderists choice (William TOPLADY) to become Mayor.

Will proved 1st Jan 1695

Francis (Father) Sheriff 1631/2 Mayor 1653/4 1660/1
John (Son) Sheriff 1658/9 Mayor 1662/3
William (Son) Sheriff 1662/3 Mayor 1682/3
Joseph (Son) Alderman and Justice of the Peace from 1653

Joseph SMITH

possible births sep qtr 1870 6b 393 Tamworth,
jun qtr 18716b 409 Tamworth

William MILLER

7b 282 nottingham apr 1860